Friday, August 14, 2009

Django-filter 0.5 released!

I've just tagged and uploaded Django-filter 0.5 to PyPi. The biggest change this release brings is that the package name has been changed from `filter` to `django_filters` in order to avoid conflicts with the Python builtin `filter`. Other changes included the addition of an `initial` argument on Filters, as well as the addition of an `AllValuesFilter` which is a `ChoiceFilter` who's choices are any values currently in the DB for that field. Despite the change in package name I will not be changing the name of the project due to the overhead in moving the repository (Github doesn't set up redirects when you change a project's name) and the PyPi package. I hope everyone enjoys this new release, as a lot of it's improvements have come out of my usage on Django-filter in piano-man.

As for what the future holds several people have indicated their interest in the inclusion of django-filter in Django itself as a contrib package, and for usage in the Admin as a new implementation of the `list_filter` option that is more flexible. Because of this my next work is probably going to be on implementing a custom `ModelAdmin` class that uses `FilterSets` for filtering.

You can find the latest release on PyPi and Github.


  1. TWell this should save some work, thanks dude!

  2. Awesome work man!! Just what I needed.

    "Laziness is the mother of invention"


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